movie: 1883
production company: Elastic.tv
director: Duncan Elms
Designers: Lynn Cho, Felipe Carvalho, Huy Dang, Steven Biggert, Arik Waiss
Animators/Compositors: Evan Larimore, Lee Buckley, Nol Honig, Bruno Ferrari, Daniel Moreno
Lead CG Modeler: Jose Limon
Editor: Jessica Ledoux
Color Management: Andrew Young
Production Coordinator: Hannah Rowswell
Producer: Kevin Daly
Head of 3D: Kirk Shintani
Head of 3D Production: Micheal Steinmann
Deputy Head of Production: Zach Wakefield
Executive Producer/Head of Production: Kate Berry
Sr. Executive Producer: Luke Colson
Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall
my role: AE Animation and Comp