Hi, my name is Bruno Ferrari and I'm a Graphic Designer that specialized in Animation and Visual Effects for Advertising, Broadcast Design, and Content. For the last 15 years, I have been helping creative studios around the world with their projects.
For the last few years, I had the opportunity to work for big ad agencies such as BBDO, Saatchi&Saatchi, JWT, LeoBurnett, Y&R, WMcCann, Dentsu, among others, also, we have had the pleasure to work with so many talented people/companies. These are just a few names we had the luck to work with: VetorZero, Lobo.cx, ParanoidBR, Academia de Filmes, ESPN.USA, QuantaPost, Maria Farinha, Zombie Studio, Frame.DK, Firstborn.NY, Blacksmith.NY, RoofStudio.NY, 1st AveMachine.NY, State Design.LA, TaylorJames.NY, BUCK.NY, Elastic.LA, CookieStudio.LDN.
Leica, Audible, Mitsubishi, Lexus, Peugeot, Ford, Volkswagen, Fiat, Exxon, Chevron, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Guarana Antartica, Mountain Dew, Bacardi, Vogue, Havaianas, Trident, O Boticario, L'oreal, C&A, AACD, WWF Brazil, El Ojo de Iberoamerica, IndieLisboa Festival, Creamfields, Vivo, Claro, TelefĂ´nica, O2, Oculus, Netflix, Multishow, +Globosat, HBO, Warner, Turner International, ESPN, Samsung, Olympikus, Itau, Bradesco and HSBC.
I'm so proud and happy to collaborate with some really good people along the road and also be nominated, shortlisted, and won awards for the work we've helped to create. Here are the most important festivals around the world that I have my name in: Cannes Lions, Annecy, The One Club, AICP, Clio Awards, D&Ad, Emmy Academy Awards among others.